Pianists Summer Retreat

Pianists Summer Retreat

Every year, telemasterclass organizes a week dedicated to pianists, offering a unique and intensive experience. Here’s what makes this event special:

  • Annual event: Each year, Telemasterclass hosts a week dedicated to pianists.
  • International masterclasses: Participants have the opportunity to attend masterclasses led by renowned international professors.
  • Daily events: Every day, there are conferences covering topics related to the profession or future profession of a pianist.
  • Physical and musical activities: Mornings begin with fitness sessions, while evenings conclude with concerts.
  • Location: The entire event takes place in Orio Canavese, a picturesque and relaxing village, perfect for a fully immersive experience.
  • Local experience: Since Orio Canavese is a small town, all activities are held within the village, creating a close-knit and community-driven atmosphere.
  • Accommodation and conviviality: Participants stay with local families, forming a cohesive group that shares an intense and enriching experience, including communal meals.


Who is this course for?

  • Piano students seeking an intensive Italian experience 
  • Those seeking to get to an advanced level of expression on the piano.
  • This course is perfect for anyone wanting to play at a higher professional level 
  • Pianists at medium or higher levels will find these personal lessons very helpful as they exclusively focus on the specific things that make you a better player.
A word from our president

Pursue your dreams with courage and transform every challenge into an opportunity.
The future lies in your hands; shape it with your passion.